Architectural news, articles and updates from architects practicing within the GIA Chapter Area.
GIA Response to call for ideas on what a high-performing planning system looks like .
GIA President, Andrew Hadden, reports on the activities and undertakings of the GIA Council for Spring 2024.
GIA President, Jonathan Potter, reports on the activities and undertakings of the GIA Council for Summer 2022.
GIA President, Jonathan Potter, reports on the activities and undertakings of the GIA Council for Autumn 2022.
GIA President, Phil Zoechbauer, reports on the activities and undertakings of the GIA Council for Spring 2022.
The Clydesdale Community Hub in Lanark has recently completed on site.
GIA President, Phil Zoechbauer, reports on the activities and undertakings of the GIA Council for Winter 2021.
Jordan Byrne, commended for the Alexander Thomson Scholarship 2021, shares their submission piece featuring an illustration and accompanying narrative.
Zoë Victoria Gibson, winner of the Alexander Thomson Scholarship 2021, shares their submission piece featuring an illustration and accompanying narrative.
GIA President, Phil Zoechbauer, reports on the activities and undertakings of the GIA Council for Autumn 2021.
Disclaimer: The views expressed by contributors in published articles are not necessarily the views of the Glasgow Institute of Architects.
The GIA seek to showcase the talent and skill of the architects practicing and building within the chapter area and invite practices to submit their recently consented or completed projects to our online journal for publication. Projects must be completed / consented within the preceding 12 months and be located within the chapter area. If you would like to share a story or article other than related to a completed or consented project, please contact communications@gia.org.uk.